EDEN AREA VILLAGE is excited to be offering membership
in a network of local seniors with regularly scheduled meet-ups, members-only events, and occasional peer-to-peer assistance. Eden Area Village's mission is to provide each other with friendship and support, enabling our members to remain active and engaged.
We currently enjoy interacting via our Second Saturday Coffee Meet-Ups, Third Thursday Lunch Meet-Ups, and Last Thursday Walking Group (go to Upcoming Events below for more info). We look to members to support each other in continuing to be vital and involved in our local community.
Please feel free to contact us at info@edenareavillage.org or 510-969-2732. You can join our email list here. If you wish to join us as a village member to share your time and abilities and attend our events please sign up here.
You can, however, donate here if you wish to support us in remaining part of the nationwide network of senior villages and continuing to communicate with members through our website and, occasional, calls and letters.
Eden Area Village is a proud member of the Village to Village Network and
Village Movement California,
organizations that provide links and support for senior villages nationwide and throughout California
Eden Area Village could use your business,
financial, entrepreneurial, artistic, organizational, technical and any
other skills you would like to offer.
Village Friends (organizations that have provided assistance or advice):
ComforCare Home Care in Central Alameda County
Hayward Odd Fellows
Mike Kasin, Estate Attorney at Antero, Tormey & Petrin.
HICAP health insurance and legal counseling.
Check out these links for upcoming community events:
City of Hayward events calendar
Hayward Library Events Calendar
Castro Valley Library Events Calendar
Castro Valley and Hayward Senior Center events
Castro Valley and San Leandro Hospital classes and events